Monday 6 July 2020

The History of Psychotherapy

The foundation of psycho therapy goes back a very long way. The early civilisations of Egypt and Greece had clear ideas about emotional health specially about dementia and depression. Buddhism even offers thoughts about the reason for mental enduring originating out of ignorance. Traditional Chinese Medication creates connections between the organs and also the emotions and techniques for coping together with them via acupuncture.

The wonderful Islamic civilisations also led to psycho therapy by introducing the thoughts of emotional wellbeing insurance and using medicine to take care of the mentally ill.

All through the period mental disease was correlated with ownership or has been regarded since the sins of this person function as the cause. Thus religious and faith techniques where viewed as the principal methods for treating people. These may frequently be very barbarous or demand departure.

Near the conclusion of the 18th century nevertheless matters had begun to improve. Franz Mesmer developed a new procedure named Mesmerism what a crude kind of communicating. This was initially a far more scientific approach has been created.

All through the 19th century that this job was constructed on plus some of those long held perspectives like ownership where contested and dispelled.

Freud had the radical idea we were influenced with basic forces which we were mostly unaware of. He predicted that our subconscious and he developed a strategy that allowed the psychotherapist do look right into this subconscious and assist the individual eventually become clear of these types of drives.

Freud had several followers that jumped from him first in the 20th century, probably the most notable being Carl Jung. Jung made a range of changes into psychoanalytic notion by suggesting that and our private subconscious we were influenced by way of a collective mind. This triggered inside our fantasies and behaviors in addition to legends and myths. He had a brand new comprehension of fantasies that led to his way of psychotherapy which he called analytical psychology.

Whilst the 20th century made that there were additional big gifts.

At precisely the exact same time frame other approaches where additionally growing that have been centered on observing the way our behaviors and also conditioned.

1 method of coping together with injury which also has plenty of research behind it really is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing or EMDR. This was designed by Francine Shapiro in the chance discovery from the 1980's.

Ofcourse there are quite a few other approaches which have never been discussed here. In reality the are currently a multitude of approaches that are bewildering to a lot of people not trained as psychotherapists. No matter how the real history of these evolution may create fascinating reading.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Church outreaching

Does your church find it hard to know how to reach out to more members of the community?
Both online and offline marketing strategies can help your church to raise your profile in the community and increase your congregation.

Not sure how to go about this? We’ve got you covered with these tips on being smart with your church outreach and getting the most from your efforts.

CSR Companies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend for businesses and it’s also a great way for nonprofits to diversify their income and reach new donors.

Many nonprofits aren’t reaping the rewards of CSR partnerships, often because they’re not sure how to go about it.

Even if you’re a smaller organization, there’s still plenty of potential for bringing CSR partners on board and using their funds, resources, and support to further your cause.

Sunday 14 June 2020

Journalism fundraising

Over the last few years, the future of journalism and print publications has been facing uncertainty, with big names such as Buzzfeed, Meredith, and Verizon Media cutting back on staff and costs.
To maintain their financial future, many online publications are switching to a donation model to future-proof their content delivery.

What Was Trending in Fundraising

Tracking fundraising/philanthropy blogs and articles Last month, This Really is what Is trending in Fund Raising Last month:

1. How to Boost Money via face-book : We have got'5, 10 or 20 what to understand about' type of articles, just how nonprofits can use face book advertising effortlessly, along with my personal favorite, separating your own face-book page in the non-profit page; sounds simple - perhaps not necessarily therefore...

2. Year end fund-raising: Only yoga had the Autumnal Equinox and my box is over loading using solicitations to organize for year ending. That which has been outside there in September: The way exactly to complete it, start it today, receive your board to help, hire someone to complete it for you today! , help your donor state 'yes', and also yearend mistakes to avoid. It has some great stuff; read upon it NOW!

3. The i-phone 5: perhaps not too much improvement, but undoubtedly trending with that there is completely brand new fund raising programs and also fundraising-use chatter. As an instance: "think face-to-face - think cellphone". You utilize the program to publish receipts out of Super Centers, grocery store, clubs, pet stores, dollar stores, convenience stores and drugstores - a part of the profits arrive in your designated faculty; nevertheless recall OR prepare coupons galore satisfying your in box.

4. Saying "Thank you": Certainly, that really is September fad is attached with many nonprofit’s rounding the corner for their financial yearend. By the "craft of saying thank you" into "anybody may say thank you personally - only need somebody get it done", or"5 Cool Sites To Assist You yanking Donors Well", and "be sure you email your yearend donors their 20 20 tax receipt together with the thanks notes". Just how authentic, it saves time and makes it amazingly convenient to that donor. Because of this, it's really an excellent renewal tool too!

Find useful resources here:

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Nonprofits On Instagram Who Are Getting It Right

83% of Instagram users say they discover new products and services on Instagram. This means that they are using Instagram as a channel to take inspiration from. The same study also reveals that by simply being on Instagram, brands can make a positive impression on potential donors/employees/customers.

To get the most out of Instagram, you have to be smart about your approach. Here are insights from some nonprofits on Instagram.

Instagram for nonprofits

83% of Instagram users say they discover new products and services on Instagram. This means that they are using Instagram as a channel to take inspiration from. The same study also reveals that by simply being on Instagram, brands can make a positive impression on potential donors/employees/customers.

Monday 8 June 2020

In-kind donation letter

When you think about donations, you probably think about cash contributions that help you raise more funds.
There’s another type that can be effective in a different way, and these can come in the form of in-kind donations.

Almost every organization will have received in-kind donations. Until now, you may have simply waited for these to come to you, rather than actively reaching out for them.
In-kind donations can help your organization cut costs and make better use of the funds you raise, but they’re often overlooked as a form of fundraising.

Different Ways To Make Your Sports Fundraiser Fun

The very first step of establishing a sports fundraising effort right would be to perform an evaluation of your requirements. Whenever you do an appraisal, this usually means that you have to ascertain exactly what it is you want funds or money for. When you decide the main reason, you want to assemble funds, you then must ascertain the specific quantity of money which you will need for this reason. If you anticipate raising money so you can purchase new sports uniforms and sport equipment’s to your group, then you have to do some canvassing of these various things so you may have a complete of all of the money which you're likely to require. When you perform a design program, remember you shouldn't ever increase money for a whole lot of things in precisely the exact same time since that may lead you to getting unrealistic objectives.

The following step of preparing a sports fundraising effort is doing and planning this beforehand. Bear in mind that in case you give everyone on your group the go sign to begin raising cash, you'll have a challenging time placing down some extra plans because folks are on the move and their focus on something different. That is the reason you have to place your plans as soon as you can. It's wise that preparation for a fundraising effort ought to be performed no less than a month prior to its starting date in order that everything could be covered. By doing your preparation early, you can identify unique mistakes and defects and stop them from getting negative consequences on your gain in the long run. Additionally, this may also allow you to find everything organized nicely. When you establish your aims, you want to define your final goals and objectives. By that, you have to decide on a particular deadline to your different goals. As an example, you can state that two weeks following your preparation phase, you have everything put from the own supplies, sales materials, and ads.

Bear in mind that you if you establish your objectives, you have to base these in your financial requirements or about the worth of the money which will need to collect. When all your objectives are devised, split them into little pieces or segments like per group or a week. Remember that each and every member of your fundraising staff ought to have a say on your targets and objectives. By getting everyone involved from the beginning of forming the application, you can find every one your members to take part fully. Moreover, doing so can help everybody get a complete comprehension of everything you want to achieve and also the things which you have to do in order to accomplish that.

Once your goals and goals are set, now you can proceed to choosing a design thought to execute or execute. The goals and objectives of a design should always come before the members of this team decide on which kind of effort to execute. This is because the amount of money required to be elevated will inform you the most suitable kind of merchandise, service, or event that you will need to execute so you could readily collect the money that you will need.

Why You Should Experience Your Nonprofit Organization From Your Donor's Perspective

Among the toughest facets of creating a successful communication and marketing program is analysing how it really comes across to your goal fans. Building an internet community with and one of your donor foundations is a vital tool for contemporary non-profit’s, but making it function from scratch may be a tricky road. Now, things are changing quickly in terms of social media functions inside the nonprofit sector. To this end, it's very important your company stay in touch with these changes and set evaluation methods to make certain you're on the ideal path. 1 way to keep on top of your advertising and communications applications would be to execute a regular self-check.

Many decades before, that the "mystery shopper" procedure for self-evaluation was tremendously popular with for-profit small business owners, and actually remains highly recommended in certain circles. The idea is solid -- deliver in a test client to experience exactly what your clients experience, and get real feedback on each step of the procedure.

To determine how your business operates from the point of view of your own donors and customers, follow each app route from beginning to finish. The internet presence has become the toughest to check, and no matter how many chances you provide your customers to give feedback, you need to have the process on your own.

Start out by looking for your company during the standard procedures. Be aware all search outcomes for your company and also be sure they state what you would like prospective fans to see. . .it is the words around the search phrase on the actual site content (that is the reason why it's sometimes the midst of a paragraph ) or the description that you put to a meta tag. If you're unsatisfied with the search result description, then place proper meta tags or revaluate your site content.

Study your site as a new prospective donor could. Is it clear what you can do? Are there any suitable psychological appeals or links which can make the visitor want to find out more? Are the social media sharing tools simple to locate and use? Are the voices of your present fans evident at the home page material? Evaluate the overall feel of the website. Have a look at your company's opponents to answer the very same questions and also to determine what works and what does not.

Continue the expertise by following your apps all of the way through. Consider donating online and monitor the follow-up. How can the auto respond email feel and look? How long before you are given a personalized thank-you? Are you encouraged to become more engaged and involved with the business?

Consider after your other donation paths exactly the identical manner. Notice how new fans are managed. You could be amazed how frequently potential donors are ignored by volunteers and staff that are oblivious to build community within the business.

Taking the opportunity to have a look at your donors' expertise on your own could be extremely eye-opening. Work through the procedure with a critical standpoint, as your potential fans will be.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Fundraising for food banks

Today, more than 820 million people do not have enough to eat. The total number of undernourished has been increasing for several years in a row. This means that today one in every nine people in the world suffers from hunger.
Hunger is often not a food problem – but a logistics problem. Approximately 15-30% of food in emerging economies is wasted. In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply.

These statistics urge immediate and constant action for our society to do better with food. And this is where food banks come into play.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

A Sample Script For Approaching Potential Donors

Scratch cards can be a fun addition to your organization’s fundraising activities and can be highly effective for introducing your cause to new donors.
If you’re not already using scratch cards as part of your nonprofit’s fundraising efforts, here are some tips on how to get the most from it.

Check the presentation here at:

Easter fundraising ideas

Easter is just around the corner – which means now is a great time to start thinking about an Easter-inspired fundraiser for your nonprofit organization.
Regardless of whether you need to raise money for your church, school, or club, there are several ways to raise funds for your cause while celebrating this important holiday.

Friday 10 April 2020

How to Get Your Company Involved In Giving Tuesday And Raise Your Brand Awareness

Social media has turned into a game-changer. Companies' reputations can rise and fall with social media and news reports. It's vital to be in the news and on social networking for favorable things.

Givingtuesday for nonprofits

GivingTuesday is usually held annually the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (this year on December 1, 2020). The global celebration runs for 24 hours and begins at midnight local time.

However, due to the unprecedented impact, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the world, GivingTuesday has just announced #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity, set to take place on May 5, 2020.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Fundraising Groups

It’s interesting that many sponsors choose not to pursue one source that can prove to be of extreme value. They may have considered going after corporate donations, but may not know how to pursue them. Is it a lack of confidence and vision, or perhaps not knowing what to say?

Failing to have, and effectively integrate, a ‘business ask strategy’ into your campaign leaves money on the table. Successful fundraising groups already know what to do and are reaping the financial rewards. Corporations often have money set aside for charitable causes and products they can donate or may be able to provide hands-on volunteer assistance.

Having a good understanding of your group’s needs and knowing how to approach and sell a business on your cause is important for securing donations. Here are some things to consider.

How to be Great a Fundraiser

A stellar fundraising professional can help take nonprofit organization’s fundraising efforts to the next level, but not everyone has the necessary attributes to be a highly successful fundraiser.

Qualifications and training are a big part of the story. Still, it’s also essential to assess whether a potential candidate has the relevant qualities and characteristics to excel at fundraising and take on the unique challenges that your organization faces. This is particularly important if you don’t have the budget to hire an experienced fundraising pro and need to take a gamble on someone less experienced.

Nonprofit Conferences 2020

Does your organization regularly attend nonprofit conferences? If you’ve not been to one before, you may not realize the significant benefits that they can bring.

Conferences can provide learning and networking opportunities that aren’t possible through content. They’re also perfect for networking. This can help your organization find new ways to further your cause and reach more donors.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Donation Model for Publications

A donation model can work better than paywalls and subscription models since readers don’t have to commit to a regular payment to keep up-to-date with content.

Introducing a donation model over a subscription/membership model can also help build trust with readers since distrust of the media is a big concern for many people.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Tips on Church Outreach

Does your church find it hard to know how to reach out to more members of the community?
Both online and offline marketing strategies can help your church to raise your profile in the community and increase your congregation.
Not sure how to go about this? We’ve got you covered with these tips on being smart with your church outreach and getting the most from your efforts.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Nonprofit Trends 2020

Digitalization and automation, for example, can help bridge the gap between limited resources (such as overworked staff or shoestring budgets) and their frequently ambitious goals.

We hope that by shining a light on some of the biggest 2020 nonprofit trends, nonprofit professionals and their investors will be equipped with useful information for decision making and planning.

Understanding what lies ahead can help nonprofit organizations remain at the forefront of their field — which is vital.

CSR companies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend for businesses and it’s also a great way for nonprofits to diversify their income and reach new donors.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Top Nonprofit Trends Every Professional Should Know and Watch For in 2020

Digitalization and automation, for example, can help bridge the gap between limited resources (such as overworked staff or shoestring budgets) and their frequently ambitious goals.

We hope that by shining a light on some of the biggest 2020 nonprofit trends, nonprofit professionals and their investors will be equipped with useful information for decision making and planning.

Understanding what lies ahead can help nonprofit organizations remain at the forefront of their field — which is vital.

Read the entire blog post here at:

Sunday 8 March 2020

Nonprofit instagram stories

Instagram launched the Stories feature in August 2016, and it’s really taken off since. At first, it was viewed simply like a copy of Snapchat, but it’s now far surpassed it.
The newest benefit to Instagram Stories is that nonprofit organizations can now use Instagram to secure donations. Since May 2019, there are donation stickers on the stories of verified Instagram nonprofits, which allows supporters to raise funds.
Here are some helpful suggestions for nonprofits who are using Instagram Stories or are looking to do so in the future.

Donor engagement cycle

Whether you are a newbie in fundraising or a seasoned expert, you probably know that the key to successful fundraising lies in building relationships.
When a donor is engaged with a nonprofit organization, they are much more likely to donate again and again (and give in other ways too).

Basketball fundraising

Your basketball group can host classes to help people in the local community improve their fitness. You can hold a basketball training session to stay on the theme – this way, your basketball group can also show off their skills!

Accepting Donations via iDEAL

We’re elated to announce that Donorbox donation forms now accept iDEAL payments! Your donors from the Netherlands can now make easy, one-time donations in Euros through bank transfers, instead of using credit cards or PayPal.

iDEAL is the Netherlands’ most popular online payment method. It provides a secure way to easily process your donors’ bank payments, using their online banking portal to complete the transaction. iDEAL is user-friendly and offers much lower fees than traditional card payments.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Practices for Door-to-Door Fundraising

Door-to-door fundraising can be daunting for your fundraisers. They’ll likely get plenty of rejections but it can be highly effective — both for driving donations and raising awareness of your organization’s cause.

The latter can lead to donations later on, even if it’s not successful right away. Your fundraisers may be able to engage potential donors who are not receptive to other donation channels.

Thursday 23 January 2020

Chatbots for nonprofits

Do you want to get the most out of the fundraising season? You need to know the magic words that increase donations. But they don’t have to be spoken by a person. Since over half of global internet users are on Facebook, chatbots can be a great engagement tool. Here’s how you can use them to engage donors.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Standard System Mapped Fields

Donorbox provides an extensive integration with Salesforce CRM. In order to fully utilize the features of this integration, it is important to understand how your Donorbox form fields are mapped to your Salesforce account when you enable this integration.

Salesforce npsp integration

Donorbox has partnered with Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM platform, to integrate with their Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP 3).
As its name suggests, NPSP is built specifically for nonprofits. It allows you to easily analyze your donor data (names, addresses, relationships, donation frequency, etc.) and maintain positive relations with your supporters. More than 27,000 nonprofits and educational institutes are using Salesforce NPSP.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Church Fundraisers Are The Oldest Type Of Fundraising Events

Church fund raisers have existed for a long time and are famous to be family and community social gatherings. At the time these were predicted garden parties and so were held through the summertime. At the church fund raisers, you will find games of pleasure for the kiddies, food to purchase and crafts on the market. There is a dinner and a dance to celebrate the victory of this fund raising event.

Faculties and churches have group fund raisers since the purchase price of group equipment is quite costly. Even in the event that you'd like to obtain used ring equipment, church fund raisers are going to have the ability to think of the capital necessary for different tools. In a conference where schools or churches will need to raise money for your own group, the sponsors are always treated to some concert.

Church fund raisers frequently include mature concerts at which adults of this city show their talents and show they are able to behave stupid and childish. In tiny communities, even when a theater is a prosperous group fund raiser, folks from the other area regularly invite the actors to place the concert off in yet another town to help them with their own fundraising.

A frequent church design is really a hymn sing held at the church. Having this specific kind of event, folks make a contribution to possess their preferred hymn sung by the congregation or even the choir in memory of someone you care about. Additionally, this helps like a ring fund raiser as the folks see where the ring needs new equipment only by playing them playwith.

So as to succeed in competitions that they must really have the greatest of equipment and so band fund raisers help provide the essential capital, not just for equipment but regularly for traveling. Church fund raisers help local groups in lots of ways because they often times give gifts to various bands. The very next time there's a church design on town, you may be astonished by the level of fun you need when you see.

How to Create the Perfect Church Budget

You want to do more to spread God’s word but for many churches, the ministry is largely dictated by finances.
Without a solid budget in place, even a sizeable income can still lead to problems.
A budget is one of the most important plans your church can create. It’s also one of the most stressful, especially for staff who aren’t trained in finance.

5 Traditional Fundraiser Marketing Methods

Charitable giving is on an upward trend, with an estimated $410 billion donated to charitable causes in 2017, according to This means people probably want to participate in your fundraising campaigns, but you have to meet them where they are and consider all the ways supporters can donate to your efforts.
If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with fundraising, use these ideas to inject some new life into your efforts. There are many ways to reach potential donors in our modern world, and when you use all the resources available to you, you may find that you’re able to raise more than ever before.

Friday 10 January 2020

PayPal Nonprofit Donation Fees

PayPal is a trusted global brand and a popular choice for donors. Accepting PayPal donations is an easy way to increase donations, but it isn’t a free option. Along with most payment gateways, PayPal deducts a fee from donations before funds are deposited in your organization’s PayPal Account.
What are the PayPal donation fees? We’ll talk you through this and explain the benefits of using Donorbox to accept PayPal donations.

11 Creative Fundraising Ideas

Is your nonprofit struggling to come up with fundraising ideas that are a little bit different from the norm? Often, it can feel like everyone is doing the same types of fundraisers, which can make it hard to capture the attention of your donors.
We’ve got you covered with these creative in-person fundraising ideas. These can be great options for adding to your online fundraising efforts.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

How to Use Matrix Maps To Identify Organizational Impact

Nonprofits must use their resources wisely and effectively to remain in operation. Doing that requires seeing which programs have the biggest payoffs and comparing the outcomes versus the staff members and monetary resources used. Since nonprofits often have smaller teams and tighter budgets than corporate enterprises, they must continually measure impact against the resources used.

You may think that sounds difficult, and indeed, it can be tricky. However, a matrix map can make the task substantially more straightforward. Matrix maps can help nonprofits by showing how and where the organization has an impact.

Breast Cancer Fundraising

The fight against breast cancer is an ongoing one and if you’re one of the organizations that are raising funds towards it, it can feel like a constant struggle to keep funds coming in.
You can use these ideas for raising awareness of breast cancer, along with raising funds for breast cancer treatment, research, and recovery.